Tuesday, 22 November 2011


This is our poster. I really like it because i think the red of Katie's coat really stands out against the darkness. The leaves on the floor also stand out in the darkness i think this is a good effect and make the image feel very atmospheric. The text in this poster also stands out with being white and also the font fits in with the indie theme and also fits in with Birdy.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Inlay Photos

 I think i will used both of these photos for the inlay as they show happiness when they were together. When i edited this photo i changed the contrast to make the photo seem warmer. However when i edited the second photo where Katie is holding on to Oliver's hand i made the contrast cooler to show sadness. I think that i may re shoot these photos to make them more crisp as they are a bit blurry.

Possible Digi Pack Photos

I really like this photo and i think this could be the album cover as all the colours really contrast each other.

On set...

This Scene is where Oliver and Katie are walking together and Oliver checks out another girl. In this filming i was the other girl and i was walking a dog. This was quite hard to film as we had to get the angles right so that it looked convincing as Oliver had to check out the camera and this was tricky to get this shot to look right, however i think we managed it.

Brett Filming

Here Brett is filming the scene where Katie is looking down from the bridge in to the past of her and Oliver happily together. The shots we achieved here are high angled long shots, however we are hoping that it wasn't to dark and the quality of the images are good. Brett used a tripod so that the shot would be steady and he could then easily zoom in and move the camera without effecting the quality of the shot.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


We filmed the rest of our scenes today with Katie and Oliver so we have now completed our filming

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Filming Schedule

We had planned to film the scenes with Katie and Oliver on Wednesday 9th however neither of them were available, however it turned out that the weather would not have been suitable to film outside. Brett and myself need to try and complete our filming as soon as possible so we can start to edit. On the next shoot i also plan to take the photos for the digi pack so I can complete that as well.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Piano Scene Filming

For this scene we filmed in a friends house who has a grand piano, this was a great location and the piano was beautiful and fit in perfectly with our scene. When we arrived it took about 30 minutes to apply Katie's dark eye make up and paint her nails red, we then dressed her in the black dress and she was ready for filming. We were losing light and didn't want to put a light on in the room as it wouldn't give us the effect we wanted so we used the spot light on the camera when filming so Katie's face and lip syncing was visible. We then set up the tripod and played the song so katie could lip sync to it and also it would then be easier when it came to editing to match the lip syncing with the track. Brett also did some free hand filming so he could get the close ups of katie singing.

Rough Cut

In our rough cut our male actor was not available, so we filmed scenes with Katie that we will then re film with oliver, however it was a great test of locations that proved to be successful and we though of some new shot ideas. We will however be able to use some of these shots when Katie is on her own looking at her and Oliver together in the past.